Special Webinar on
June 05, 2024 from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Understanding SEBI’s Evolving Regulatory Landscape & SEBI (LODR) Amendments
We are pleased to announce and invite participation from your esteemed organisation in our 4th webinar on SEBI (LODR) Regulations Amendment on June 05, 2024 from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM.
In this webinar, we aim to provide comprehensive insights into the recent regulatory developments by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in the Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR) framework and their implications for listed entities.
The webinar will cover comprehensive overview of the recent SEBI(LODR) amendments, focusing on understanding the intricacies of Regulation 30 and addressing the critical aspects of monitoring, verifying, and reporting market rumors along with exploring the broader landscape of SEBI’s evolving regulatory framework, highlighting key regulatory actions and penalties resulting from inaccurate and wrong disclosures.
This webinar is designed to equip professionals in the financial and regulatory sectors with valuable insights to ensure compliance and navigate regulatory complexities effectively.
Webinar Coverage:
1. Overview of Latest SEBI (LODR) Amendments
2. Understanding the Changes in Regulation 30
3. Monitoring, verification & Reporting of market rumors
4. Demystifying the impact and challenges for listed entities
5. Overview of SEBI’s evolving regulatory landscape
6. Regulatory actions and Penalties stemming from inaccurate & wrong disclosures
Training Delivery:
The webinar will be conducted through CISCO WebEx on June 05, 2024 (Wednesday) from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm.
Participation Fees:
INR 3,500/- (plus GST) per participant. (GST No.: 09AAAAN0047K1ZN) or any other taxes etc. as applicable.
Special Discount is available for a group of 5 and more participants from the same organization.
You are, accordingly, requested to depute suitable number of officials to participate in this webinar.
We shall be glad to have the nominations for the webinar from Individual bank/institution so as to reach us latest by May 29, 2024. The detailed brochure of the webinar is attached herewith for your kind consideration for nomination.
Grab this golden opportunity to further enhance your compliance knowledge and network with industry leaders by securing your spot in the webinar.
We look forward to mutually beneficial association for knowledge enhancement and skill development.